Emotional Education: Three Critical Things You Should Know About Your Emotions
- At July 17, 2010
- By Bonnie
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What have you been taught about emotions?
Think back to your childhood. How were emotions dealt with in your family? Realize that this was your emotional education—this is how you were taught (intentionally or not) about emotions.
Were you allowed to express your feelings? Or was it “not safe” or “bad” to express yourself? Did you ever hear “boys don’t cry” or “cry baby” or even “you shouldn’t be so happy”?
Have you ever heard a dialog similar to this?
Child says: “I hate my sister!”
Parent says: “No, you don’t!”
Child thinks: “I don’t?? Then what am I feeling?”
Dis-ease and Healing: Where’s My Magic Bullet?
- At June 24, 2010
- By Bonnie
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Recently, I listened with interest as my friend described to a small group how she had experienced serious back problems for 35 years. She shared with gratitude that she was now free from these back problems after one year of treatment with an alternative care provider. I was surprised when one of the women in the group expressed dismay that it had taken a whole year to heal.
In our quick-fix culture we are constantly being told that instant healing is a pill or a surgery away—or even a diet or an alternative treatment away. But how many times have you (or someone you know) actually experienced an instant, permanent cure?
Read More»Nature and Your Health: Feed Your Chakras
- At March 05, 2010
- By Bonnie
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Have you noticed that a warm, sunny day in early Spring can bring out droves of people? After a long winter there is a strong urge to get outside. We’ve been cooped up in our homes and offices for months, away from the sun and the outdoors.
This craving for the outdoors and nature is referred to as biophilia (love of living things). Scientists have theorized that humans have a biological need to bond with and be close to other living systems, including: animals, plants, habitats, objects in nature and even the weather.
The term Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) was first coined by author Richard Louv in his book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder. He refers to the biophilia theory and suggests that many of our children are suffering as a result of the disconnect from nature created by our modern lifestyles.
However, it’s not just children who need nature! We all need this connection to nature to some degree.
Read More»What Does It Mean to Heal?
- At December 29, 2009
- By Bonnie
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People often refer to me as a Healer.
I remember the first time someone called me a Healer. I had casually mentioned to a friend that I was starting my Healing Touch practice. She exclaimed, “You’re a Healer?! This is so amazing! You have to talk to my friend here–she has cancer…” and so on.
I was so uncomfortable with this title of Healer. It seemed that my friend thought that I could magically create healing. While I admit that there are times when the effect appears magical (in other words, that significant changes take place), I assure you that I am not the source.
What is a Healer?
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